feeling better alot!
atleast no insomnia and able to sleep til 12+ noon today morning! LOL!
i was so surprise when my mum came in my room and wake me up today morning..
opps.. i mean noon! LOL!!!
i cant believe that i able to sleep til so late...
its been months that i din't sleep so well already~ =)
thank kiu to a friend who tell me something...
and indirectly helps me..
and i think he duno that he help me already too.. hahahahaha :D
anyway, thx william.. =)

watched all well end well ytd~
its awesome..
able to enchant some knowledge over the movie...
its funny, meaningful and lame! XD
I wanted to thanks nick, vivian, and kei as my cousin...
they acompany me when im down..
they din ask much about what happen but they just bring me out..
cheer me up...
and cares about me alot..
Thank Kiu...
and of course... chu, ivan and lion too...
both of them did lots of things for me too! :D
thanks guys.. u all really helps me alot when i need friends or someone to be around...
appreciate what you all did to help me...
lastly, i really wanted to say again...
im enough with this...
tml is a new day for me..
new sem starts..
emo, its time for me to leave you...
no use i continue emo like that...
nothing will change...
but what i know is..
u n him really happy then ok edy! =)
teeeheee.... u happy then i happy.. remember i said before rite?
but i just hope we able to be back frens like last time..
maybe really need some time to be back to last time gua...
i dun wanna lose a fren like u... =X
hope u understand~ XP
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