Tuesday, September 29, 2009
29/09/09 放手~ let go~
i found out wat is tat...
is the feel tat i miss u...
i stiu havent put down of u...
i will stiu think of u...miss u...
bt fong sam...
i will try my best to hide it...
n learn hw to let it go...=D
tat day after bak from roller...
i put down pk n fs jo...
i talk to myself...
i wun go taman yarl after tat...
bt...duno y...my mind n hand cant control...
n i turn to taman yarl ter....n purposely folo the road tat u use to walk bak....
bt very unlucky tat i cant meet u...
today...very suprise...
saw u walking bak home...coz normally is fren fetch d...
bt...since u dun wanna folo car bak then i oso dun wanna force u edy...
my heart rly very pain tat...seeing u n me d distance getting longer n longer...
bt....i stiu hav to do so....face the pain is the oni way...
n tis is wat i gonna learn....
放手~Let go~
it is a gud teacher....
n i promise tat i will be a gud learner...i gud student...
so pls...
solve it problem for me...
i dun think i can face it anymore...T.T
Monday, September 28, 2009
28/09/09 Feeling~
haiz...dun feel like talk about it nw...
final exam on 2nd week of october...
stiu playing ard...din concentrade on my study...
few more weeks nia...
opps..should say is few more days...october 2nd week means...
next week ar? @.@
getting blur...
start tam sam about my tis sem d result...
i dun think luck can help much tis sem....
its harder than last sem...
sumore tis sem gt lots of problem happen...
din listen wat lecturer taught in the class....
haiz...sry for making college dude tam sam me....
i wont disappointed u all once again....
haha...tis is positive side d mi...
bt negative then...
haiz...hope i wun la...bt i gt no confident edy...
especially my QM subject...
the test result rly destroy all my confident....><
haiz....hav to think a way to study...
my own study way!
any suggestion?? XD
k la...nitez humans...=X
Sunday, September 27, 2009
27/09/09 Sorry~
Happy buftday to yi kei =D
ehehe....i rmb my b'day tat time u gt celebrate wit me oso...stiu gt keep tat card...haha
bt very sry o...today was helping dad doin sumthing...
so sorry~
beside tat...
sorry about telling u the wrong time...><
bt act i wanna go oso d...
wat i can say is....rly very sorry...
bt atlast we went yam cha wit her oso rite?
n so big d present o...XD
sorry about scolding u...i dun mean tat...
u get wat i mean rite?
act...yea i admit...when i gt anything...i will tell u...coz i rly make u as my fren...
1 of my very very best fren...
n so...when i face any problem...
happy or unhappy...i oso will tell u...=X
n sorry tat scolding u today...sry ><
Saturday, September 26, 2009
26/09/09 Email~
Read Each One Carefully and Think About It a Second or Two
1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
2. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.
3. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
4. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
5. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.
6. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
7.. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
8. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.
9. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.
10. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
11. There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.
12. Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.
13. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
緊記: 所有事也是因果循環的。
True friends: How many people actually have 8 true friends?
真正朋友: 有幾多人有八位真正的朋友?
Hardly anyone I know ! But some of us have all right friends and good friends!!!
我幾乎不認識這些人! 但在我們當中有些人全有對和好的朋友!!!
Being happy is the priority of living,
If u wanna be sad,
Be sad 4 something thats worth it.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
24/09/09 Break Record~ =X
start it positive? @.@
or start it wit haiz...? ><
hmm....haiz beta =X
Haiz...A nice n gud record just break by me today...
1st time get single digit in my test~
n its over 100...
Very depress...
bt lucky tat its oni 25 marks in my final...
n lucky tat i did well in my assignment...score 78 over 100 =D
so nw i gt 20+ mark over 100 in my final...
n wat i hav to do is...off my internet nw...
go my laptop tat witout internet n read all slides...
then do the revision...
its a must to score 40+ over 100 at my final...if nt i gonna fail tis subject...
Haiz...maths a...my favourite subject...hw can i fail so bad...><
Btw...hav to say sumthing to wilson here...
although i noe tat u are steping me today while toking to kavi...
bt thx to it...i will study hard to let u see tat i manage to score in it...
just open ur eye bigger...coz its small nw =X
n see wat will i get in my final exam!
i wun make u disappointed...trust me...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
23/09/09 New Frens~
her name is..sally
she sms n chat wit me on ytd nite...n lots of problem were listed down...
n thx for listing those problem...i will try my best to change it..bt i nid time ><
hope u can wait la...ehehe
Story of the day...
Wilson bring me to a b'day party tonite...
meet lots of fren...
they are funny...cool...smart...joker n so on~
n learn few things ter...=D
especially hw to enjoy a party...ehehe
Thx to wilson for bringing me ter...hope ter are more similar party coming soon..woohoo~
bt bt bt...final exam is ard the corner...><
sibei sked o...tis sem i learn ntg...always dreaming at class...
din concentrade at all...
n lots of problem happen...cant concentrade at all...
nw very charm o....especially QM...i mean final maths n sinking fun tat part...
i rly duno hw to do...
haiz...hope quan can teach me...><
bt nvm la...dun let it spoile my mood...
just enjoy for tis raya...when finish raya oni start revision~ =X
(Hope i can keep my promise about starting the revision n nt keep on postpone it...muahaha)
Lastly...refresh bak wat i did whole day...
hmm...slp..makan...dota...party..meet new frens...XD
Its fun today...thx to Dav & FS for dota wit me...
thx to Wilson for bringing me to a party...
Sunday, September 20, 2009
20/09/09 Miss eu~
rly very miss u...
although i can see u on9...can sms u...can call u...
bt i dun dare to talk wit u anymore...
wat i can do is...miss u at a side...
hiding my feeling...n wish u will happy always...
smile always...although u think tat is hard...
i will try my best to ask other to make u happy...care about u...
bt i wun do tat to u anymore...
i wun disturb u anymore...
Went yamcha wit cousin just nw...
n saw a aeroplane at the sky...
my cousin say tat...the aeroplane its small...can cover it by just a hand...or even just a finger...
from anoter side of view...we are just small like tat as well..
we are just a tiny human tat live on the earth...
n we wun noe wat will happen to us tml...
mayb will be sumthing like final destination...die suddenly? hu noes? hu cares?
so...pls appreciate wat u hav nw...
appreciate ur family members...
ur frens...ur buddies...ur pets...n so~
n it oso remind tat...she is just 1 of the gal among all human on the earth...
she is just a normal gal as other...
bt y so hard to put it down...?
haha...lots of ppl scolding me stupid rite nw...><
bt...thx to Dav , Elle n Wilson for scolding me....=D
enjoy being scold by them...it show tat they care about me XD
Lastly...thx for scolding me dude...i will try my best to put it down...
i will try my best to stop letting u guys to scold me anymore...muahaha =D
Saturday, September 19, 2009
19/08/08 Gud news~ =D
1st gud news...early in the morning...
i fetch my dad all the way to kajang ter...
to get his new car!
new persona...><
tell u all sumthing...
my dad work for so many years...nw almost retire...
n tis is the 1st car he buy...XD
quite unbelievable...haha
car plate number is WTA 7313...buy toto plix =D
Next gud news will be....
my aunty bak from penang for vacation at kl...
will be here til tuesday i gues...><
everytime when she bak here...
sure can makan non stop...XD
from afternoon til nw...nw edy almost 12 oni reach home..haha
lots of things to eat...muahaha...
k la..short post for today...nid to slp edy..
tml morning goin for breakfast again..wakekeke =D
Friday, September 18, 2009
18/09/09 LJ's Belated B'day
tire eye...
bt hungry stomach~ XD
Just bak from shabu shabu...had dinner ter from 7 to 10...muahaha..
bt nt full yet...><
It was a rushing day for me today...
8.30 class to 10.30..rush bak bring bro makan...
then rush to fetch my fren then go sunway for movie...
the movie start at 1.20 to sumwer ard 3...
Final destination o~ bt too bad 3D movie...
should chose to watch 3D la..><
When finish movie then go mamak store yam cha wit them til 4..
then rush to fetch anoter gang to go basketball~zzz
after tat we play til 6+ then rush home shower then fetch dav n elle...
after tat st8 rush to fetch my mum bak...
gao dim my mum edy then rush to shabu shabu for my dinner~ WOOTS~ XD
tis is the most enjoy and happy part...
coz can meet bak my senior which is...=D
Joe E
Choy Yen
Jim kor kor
rly very enjoy the dinner tonite...
thx to jim kor kor for the invitation...^^
here are sum picha of the nite =D
k la...hav to slp nw...tire ><
Nitez guys..Sweet Dream =D
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
16/09/09 Nice Bball~ =D
me n dav plan to go for a match of bball...
bt the sky looks like dun wanna let us play...
coz its face very black...n dark...so we sked edy ><
bt both of us + my cousin kny...
plan to wait for the boss...JC bak from college at 4 then let him decide weather wanna go for it anot...
Waiting~ waiting~ n waiting~
atlast til 4...
he say on!
then we all faster change n out...
bt hu noe...when i reach dav hse then suddenly rain!!
omgosh~ =.="
bt lucky just for few sec...so witout a sec of thinking...we rush to the court n play..wakekeke
Ard 5+...
suddenly a noisy sound appear from our bak...
dav: its raining sound rite?
Jon: Nope...imposible tat we can hear the sound of the rain...Swt~ =.="
JC: it is the sounD!!! the rain is coming~!
All of us rush to take the key n bottle then rush to car~ =D
nice ending rite? XD
atleast we able to play bball...
i mean atleas we can shot, dribble n hav fun togeter rite? XD
haha....sumtime although it is short period...bt atleast u tried ur best for it...
n u will deserve wat u get..=D
Beside tat..when on the way bak...i listen dao 1 nice song from 1fm~
手放开...those lyric very nice...taugh me alot...=D
Nw my mood beta edy...enjoy playing bball under the rain XD
thx to those hu care about me...especially Wilson n Eve~ =D
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
15/09/09 Useless~
im such a useless guy~
i dun even dare to talk wit u nw...
dun dare to sms u..
dun dare to cal u...
dun dare to see u...
dun dare to fetch u...
dun dare to do anything tat related to u!
Its enuf...im freaking useless~
wats happening wit me...
awww~ hate tis feeling =.="
hate the time tat im being alone at home...
u r my everything...bt nw...im trying my best to forget u...
so i nid to think sumthing else to do so tat i can totally forget u...
so pls~!
all of u pls!!!
pls plan sumthing for me...
anything will do!
just plan...i dun wanna feel alone anymore...
fren wanted....gud fren wanted...best fren wanted~
Special thx to all my college dude for acompany mi...especially
Wilson How~
his the 1 hu listen to me....
care about my feeling...
n suggest me way to go...
wat should i do...
Besides him...thx to all basketball kaki....especially
hu always play basketball wit me when im boring...
even wit hot sun ><
sry for making u turn darker...XD
n he taught me alot~
he oso a gud listener~ =D
bt for nw...close fren its hard to find..n its harder to keep it...
so pls appreciate wat u gt nw..dun regret when u lost it~ =D
Monday, September 14, 2009
14/09/09 Sry tat din care about ur feeling =X
it wun appear anymore =D
thx to sw for the reminder...
n sorry if it disturb u...
Here are 1 of the email my fren send to me
n i found its very useful to lots of ppl...
lets hav a look =D
bt it is in chinese...haha sry to those "banana" =X
找一个你爱聊的人结婚 , 因为当年龄大了以后,你会发觉喜欢聊天是一个人最大的优点。
Sunday, September 13, 2009
13/09/09 Gone~ ><
gone gone gone~~...
hse connection gone!!
haiz....my hse internet connection gone edy...
nt sure wat happen to it...
cant update my blog daily from nw on...
sob~ ><
bt i will try my best to update it when i can on9 =X
Saturday, September 12, 2009
11/09/09 Chai Ying's b'day party =D
We when for a movie at sunway ard 4~
the movie name is "I Love You, Beth Cooper"
Rating of it 3/5...*clap*
it funny...
describe about hw a nerd chasing a most popular n hot woman at his college =D
After the movie~
We went to a steamboat restaurant name "YUAN"

it is a buffet style steamboat restaurant...
n ice cream are available ter..muahaha~
we ate ter from 6.30 til 9.30+
n then went parkson d station 1 to celebrate b'day wit chai ying...
btw...b'day party rite? cake is sumthing tat cant miss out~
so we bought a cake from secret recipe...
It is Oreo Cheese...sound yummy~ XD
here are sum picha of the day =D
Thursday, September 10, 2009
10/09/09~ Broke~ =X
went sing k wit college dude today at sumwer near ioi ter d neway....
the building was nice!
although i went ter few years ago b4...
bt when i step in ter...everything at ter stiu very new...n nice!!
lol...those mirrow are clean...shinny *o*"
we sang from 11 to 2.30+
then rush bak college compile those slide for presentation lata....
it was fun!
n we notice sumthing....1 of my college dude damn pro at singing o...
he can solo whole 为了你而活....
he solo both female n male singer...SOLO~!
every1 of us are doin the same emo O_O *shock*
haha...sumore he can sing those high key song....
rly very gud at in...gt potential to become a singer...haha
haiz...bak to the topic~
i used rm15 on it...
then makan at college used rm7...nw wallot left 10+
sumore tml goin sunway to celebrate b'day for fren then makan dinner...
bt when see dao my wallot....rm10 can makan wat? celebrate wat? ~.~
sumore tml gt test a~
CT test ><
bt din study at all~ =.="
sumore stiu blogging n fb-ing~
rly duno wat hw to pass tml d test...
wish me luck guys n gals~
gonna slp nw...then tml oni study =D
tis is hw i comfort myself..haha
k la...nitez =D
btw no pic for today! XD
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
09/09/09 Special date uh? @.@
wats so special wit it? 999?
9= long (in cantonese)
bt for me...haiz~ =X
Act...i plan sumthing on today....
bt i din do it...
coz i noe wat is the result edy...
since it will fail...then wat for i continue trying it...
fail then fail...no matter hw i try..it will stiu be the same...
its nt depends on me..is u...
n i noe tat u wun accept it forever...no matter hw i try...
so...the bottle of things i will keep in.....pointless to take it out...=X
sry to say tat...im too selfish act~
just dun wanna hurt our relationship...hope can be bak frens like last time...
share problem...gossip...joking...n so on..
i miss the time tat we doin tis kind of things....hope gt chance to do it again =D
hmm..i was very suprise...i tot tat i gt no chance to see u in tis so call special day...
i tot tat today will be a boring day for me...alone whole day...
bt suddenly u n them came my hse today...
*Shocked* O.O
bt hu noes....i feel tat...suddenly feel tat...
u r like my sis!
haha...anyway...im trying my best to treat u as sis from nw on...
i dun wanna disturb u anyway....life will go on witout u...
just will feel alone sum time...bt it will be ok for me...
since i always say tat...im a man!
easy take up...easy put down...
lala~ stop laughting ter =.="
Anoter special things...
all happen in a sudden!
Sw's car kena bang~
Kw's car engine spoile~
suddenly we gt not enuf car for the friday plan~ =.="
haiz....bt for them...they will solve it easily...
from wat sally n fs said...
bak to last time...use bus...
then suddenly sum1(MI) said tat...
use walk!
then all silence....n swt ter .__."
haha....btw...after tat...sum1 sugest to buy toto...forget hu sugest edy...nt sure is pk or fs~
n we bought few riggit ter...too bad non of us hit the target...><
after everything at the evening....i went to a group discussion at nite...
sumwer near puchong...the shop name is syok kopitiam~ XD
those food at ter looks nice!~ *salive dropping edy*
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Anoter Happy day~ =D
count as very gud for me...ehehe
but...i nid to thx 2 personal teacher here..
which is:
Hadrian Ding Hong Yong
Ken Hoh Wei Quan
Tis 2 taught me alot at tutorial class...
coz most of my time in lecturer are slping n chatting...haha
many thx to both of them~ =D
Besides tat...
when i reach parking tat time..i saw jun hong driving to college today~
a blue saga~
looks new...coz it is very clean XD
especially the mirrow~ O.O
then i start feel like wanna take picha
after few sec of thinking....
decided to take my refraction image of the window ter...
try sumthing new wat...kaka
here are sum result of it...
Monday, September 7, 2009
My imba & cute DOG! =D
my close fren...even beta than human...
atleast it wun bakstab me...wun betray me...listen to me...
can keep secret for me...=D
nwadays...i will let my dog walk outside the cage everynite for exercise =D
bt gt sum serious n big problem!!!
it keep on pee n shit outside...pee sum part here n ter...make me clean for so many times...~
wasting my golden time~
any way to solve it???
suggestion plix~ XD
beside tat...he can bark non stop for 10mins..when sum1 come to my hse....
he start barking when sum1 stand at my hse gate for few sec...
his nose is too gud! haha...
tats y i said tat his is very imba~!
bt sumtime when he bark too long...it make me feel very annoying...trying to teach him to recognize ppl...bt tis may take sum time...><
bt ho...when i shout go in the cage...he very gud boy then turn his body up side down~
looks very cute when he do tat...then i will automatic go n play wit him...
tis is wat we called soft hearted XD
here are 1 picha when he turn up side down~
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Describe about 1 of my fren tat i noe for few days =D
her name is Lim Ching Mae~ from smk Taman Desa d~
17 nao...a hardworking gal...keep on ask me question about her study part...
bt too bad...i cant help alot...i throw my skul bag for so long edy...
n she wan me to find it n pick up all my books bak and study...haha...bt lucky tat tis world gt sumthing name google..haha..XP
beside tat...she is sum1 tat like to watch movie or tv~
especially those drama(hong kong and korea oso ngam d)...
wait...suddenly feel very angry~>< coz she keep on attract me wit those nice movie at cinema..bt when i ask her out for movie tat time then she say bak those few same reason wit me which is... not free~
see how la~
n so on~ =.="
bt nvm la...gals is like tat d la..cant blame them oso...haha
sumore she is a very fun n serious d gal...even when i down n sad..she oso dun wan use joke to make me happy bak...sibei serious 1!! ><
hmm...bt i wanna let all my reader noe sumthing...she just 1 of my fren tat i noe for few days...nt gf ar...dun simply think =D
as usual...i will end it wit pic ^^
here are sum picha of her~ enjoy it =D

Saturday, September 5, 2009
Happy n Suprise d day =D
when i step in to my college today, i saw a group of ppl standing at the gate...
n suddenly i saw a very very weird hairstyle tat i din see for almost 10month ><
then suddenly sum 1 called my name...
after few sec then i notice tat is Pn Goh~ 1 of my favourite teacher at secondary skul...
beside her...Pn lee (1 of the teacher tat like to wake me up when i was slping in the class XD)
oso shock n stun when she see me....
then i can confirm tat just nw tat weird hairstyle is my secondary skul d Miss Leong~ XD
its nice to chat wit them bt im in a hurry coz i was late today ><
2nd Surprise!
It is the bodak guy tat bak from NS!
haha...its wei lun...1 of my college dude tat intro lemonparty to us...n i sure tat u wun wanna noe wat is lemon party..haha
me n wilson went bukit jalil to fetch him bak and we went parkson d station 1 for a drink..~
n listen lots of his experience at NS...
n those story rly make me feel like i wanna go ter....bt too bad i gt no chance..
here are sum botak picha about my fren..
3rd Surprise!
i cant believe tat u ask me to apologize to him...i dun think i do anything wrong...
perhaps..quan noe wat happen between us...n he is a gud saksi...anyting can ask him...
bt...i rly nid to say sry to u...
Sorry about the question tat i ask...sry about tat
tats all for today...bt b4 i end...
Welcum bak lun~ XD
Friday, September 4, 2009
College stuff ><
done presentation n pass up my assignment today...all gao tim..left 1 more presentation next week...bt b4 tat i nid to go shopping!! haha...nid to relax edy...
n its very lucky tat we manage to finish it on time...haha
n the presentation today was very nice!
very very enjoy it...i miz the fun tat chiong to answer question n ask question XP
anoter thing tat make me suprise is JOE!! Machine gun joe...(1 of my classmate that cant stop saying & playing shooting game)...he manage to present the slide tat we prepare....N!! he din add any idea tat nt related XD
no games at all! haha....
beside tat, when we finish our assignment, me n 2 of my best fren in college took few picha...its at the btm part...hope u all enjoy it...
btw...ck n wilson...dun angry tat i upload it witout ur permission..kaka
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Count as win =D
the bet that i cant tok in class so i can win a set of McD =D
as i said...it is count as win...coz oni 2 ppl caught i speaking bt other cant XD
n its very hard to communicate wit others...>< force myself to use non-verbal communication and write it out on a paper....tis make me feel very guilty coz keep on wasting paper~ n btm will hav a pic of the paper i wrote...its so messy!!! bt luckily stiu can communicate with others...haha
Besides that....nw so late edy...stiu rushing my assigment a~
Very hard..duno wat to do...
n nw oni free to write my blog...coz i just send my things to cousin check
n ask for help XP
so nw gt ard 10mins to write sumthing here =D
ekhem...sry to say tat...morning dun say human at nite dun say ghost...
when i typing tis the "cousin" tat words...he nudge me edy XD
so force to stop here ><
k la..nite guys...bt i hav to continue my nite train~!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Jon's B'day
today when they(dav, elle, jon, raj n dalveen) finish skul...i drive ter wit 3 peice of nice and cute d cake =D
although its nt expensive when compare to those secret recipe d cake...bt it taste beta than tat n we can see the smile expect to see when u eating it =D
aWWWWww...too bad i cant take picha while u eating the cake..coz im eating 1 too..XD
wait wait wait...bt b4 jon blow candle...suddenly ter was a suprise atk from dav, raj and dalveen! XD
3 of them sapo jon wit cold mineral water!
n here come the most important part...we can see jon's sexy body...woohoo~(No gay plix) XD
k la k la...here come sum picha =D
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
New FONE! =D
W705 ^^
damn nice...wakaka....here is 1 picha from 3 view...
hope tis time its life time will be longer than other fone tat i used ><
Btw...special thx to my dad for buying it...THANKYOU! ^^
n he will be using my X fone...E71...count as a new fone for him coz he duno hw to use it XP
bt wit my assit he sure manage to use it well very soon...hehe
Btw...when im having my QM ( Quantitative Method) class today...suddenly all my fren bet wit me tat if i dun tok for whole class then i will get a meal from mcD!
n the 1st thing come to my mind was..omg? O.O (Y is mi? M i too noisy?) XD
the bet will held on tis thrusday d QM class...hope i manage to win a Set of McD....><
k la...stop here 1st...go touch touch my new fone...Muahahaa~!